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The Hamilton School uniform enables students to show a positive level of respect for the school community and better identify them with the school's identity.   

Students in all years at Hamilton School are expected to wear a school uniform.  

The required school uniform is as follows: 

  • Plain white polo shirt (i.e. with collar) 

  • Black/dark trousers – not jeans 

  • Dark shoes/trainers

  • Burgundy sweatshirt with school logo 

  • Black coat

Students may wish to bring a change of clothes for PE and Sport, a place for changing will be provided. Suggested items for PE and Sport include:  

  • Shorts 

  • Polo shirt or T-Shirt 

  • Trainers suitable for sport 

  • Tracksuit bottoms 

It is an expectation that students bring their PE kit into school on the day they have PE - please see your child's timetable. All students are expected to change for all PE lessons.

The Hamilton School PE kit consists of a plain white round-necked t-shirt, plain black shorts and suitable trainers. Our Key Stage 3 students are also required to bring swimwear (swimmers and towel in a separate bag) for formal swimming lessons each week for the Autumn and Spring terms. During the Winter months students have the option to wear plain black tracksuit bottoms over their PE shorts.

With the exception of school logo sweatshirts, which may be purchased at a heavily subsidised rate here, no other items require logos or branding so may be purchased widely, including second hand. If you require any advice about where to purchase these items, please contact the school office.

Other items:

  • Hijab, if worn, should be a dark colour, ideally black or grey.

  • Hairstyles should not be attention-seeking. Only natural hair colours are permitted and long hair should be tied back. 

  • Jewellery is not permitted except watches and studs earrings (no more than one per ear). Facial piercings are not permitted.

  • Make-up (including fingernails) should be natural and inconspicuous. 

For further information you can find the School Uniform Policy on our Key Policies page.