For further information on our schools Vision and Values, visit Maiden Erlegh Trust here.
Hamilton School’s mission is to recognise each and every one of our students as individuals, and to nurture their potential, developing the whole child by challenging and supporting them, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically.
Hamilton School aims to:
- Provide a safe environment in which all students are able to express their problems and learn appropriate strategies for dealing with them;
- Meet its statutory obligation of providing a curriculum offer, which reflects that of mainstream education. The delivery will be modified to meet the needs of the individual students. All students have access to external accreditation and exams;
- Operate within a caring and therapeutic ethos, thus developing a feeling of self-worth;
- Treat students as functioning members of the Hamilton family and will work in partnership with parents/carers in the education of the student;
- Assist students in developing an understanding of society through providing a comprehensive enrichment programme including developing skills for life, employability skills;
- Develop emotionally and socially intelligent young people to equip each student with the skills required for success with their transition from Hamilton School to the world of work or College.
OUR Ethos
“A place of education, growth and opportunity”