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Andy Johnson appointed Executive Director of Education at Maiden Erlegh Trust

Following a rigorous recruitment process, Andy Johnson has been appointed to the role of Executive Director of Education and will lead on education strategy and school improvement across the Trust.

Statements can be found below: 

Nick Jones, Chair of Trustees (Maiden Erlegh Trust)

We are delighted to announce that Andy Johnson has been appointed Executive Director of Education following a rigorous recruitment process. Andy has worked for the Trust for 17 years and has worked closely with the Trust Executive leaders and School Improvement team in his current role as Executive Headteacher Secondary and Headteacher at Maiden Erlegh School in Reading.

The Trust Board were unanimous in its decision to appoint Andy and are excited for what future development this appointment will bring for all learners and staff.


Mary Davies, CEO (Maiden Erlegh Trust)

I would like to congratulate Andy Johnson on his appointment to Executive Director of Education. Andy has working in various leadership roles in the Trust and is a committed champion of our moral purpose and unapologetically standards. He also brings to the role, experience supporting other schools and working with colleagues in a variety of settings as well as a genuine interest in ensuring ambitious inclusion permeates the experience of every one of our pupils and students from nursery to Year 13. He has a very clear vision for the next phase of the development of the Trust’s education strategy, and is committed to working with and for staff to implement it – always in the very best interests of the pupils and students.

I am delighted for him that he has been given this opportunity, and I am delighted for the Trust: along with Jonathon Peck, I am certain that the Trust is in the best hands and look forward to seeing it grow and flourish further. To this end, I have taken the decision to bring forwards the date of my retirement and will be stepping away from my role at the end of this term.


Jonathon Peck, CEO Designate (Maiden Erlegh Trust)

I am delighted to be welcoming Andy Johnson into his new role as Executive Director of Education with effect from September 2022. I have had the privilege of working closely with Andy over the past five years and I know that he brings into the role a wealth of experience gained over 17 years with the Trust in various middle and senior leadership roles, most recently as Executive Headteacher - Secondary. Alongside this experience is a demonstrable commitment to improving outcomes for the children and young people in all our schools and I look forward to working with him over the coming years to take the Trust forwards.


Andy Johnson, Executive Director of Education

I am thrilled, honoured and humbled to have been asked by the Trust board to become the new Executive Director for Education. I look forward to working alongside Jon, our new CEO, and with our excellent team of directors, leaders and staff to build on our strengths and to support our moral purpose; providing ambitiously inclusive education for our pupils and students, ensuring that they have high quality support and care, and giving them every opportunity to thrive, to grow and to succeed.